15 Jun 2022

45° Brutalist House

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The Mind Circle:

Since the foundation of LYX Arkitekter company it became a pioneer in the architectural field doing awesome projects in various concepts starting from the lofty designs, passing with the Islamic styles in decoration combining it with the modern design making outstanding artistic whole.

Today the new concept is estimated from the brutalism concept created by the genius engineer le Corbusier in 1952.

The new project is designed in Iceland on the form of flipped container but the sides of it replaced with a panoramic glass guaranteeing 360 degrees view on the beach in the ground floors. Moreover, the total space of the project is 750 sq.m [8073 sq. ft.] with two floors.

The ground floor contains living, and dining room attached with a bathroom and a kitchen. The creativity of design is manifested in the terrace where you can see the whole view in front of you while you are enjoying your coffee in the first hours of morning. Last but not least, the third floor that contains the fascinating master bedroom and a separate door for jumping into the spectacular panoramic pool at hot summer days making it invaluable place to stay at in the vacations all of that is ensured and taken into consideration from the moment it was designed by the company experts.


This is the sort of house an elite university like Yale might build. It looks very chic right now, brand new and nearly empty, but Brutalist-designed buildings are notorious functionally impractical and incredibly expensive to maintain.

I bet it cost many multiples of the conventional per-square-meter price to build. It is clearly intended for human mannequins to pose in elegantly. We see no room for books or other media, and no closets.

4 Feedbacks on "45° Brutalist House"

Lee Also

I think that’s just a rendered model and not a built project. Rendering had gotten really, really good in recent years but one of the give aways is that there is lighting without a source. Architects seem to think light magically appears. (I work in the architectural field; I see this a lot in renderings. Architects are always having you guess which one is the rendering and I always guess correctly. I don’t tell them what gives it away.)

Lee Also

I looked at the additional pictures on the architectural firm’s web site.


Ich bin ein großer Fan von Rassehunden und ich denke, dass sie einen wertvollen Beitrag
zur Gesellschaft leisten. Sie sind intelligent, treu und schön anzusehen. Leider werden Rassehunde oft
missbraucht und ausgebeutet. Viele Menschen kaufen sie, ohne sich über die Verantwortung im Klaren zu sein,
die ein Hundebesitzer hat. Dies führt dazu, dass viele Rassehunde in Tierheimen landen. Ich denke, dass Rassehunde
nur von verantwortungsbewussten Menschen gehalten werden sollten, die bereit sind, sich um sie zu kümmern.

M. Murcek

It’s a phone booth on HGH and LSD.


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