Andrew Bloody Sullivan actually came out for Republicans this time. And did it help?
Ha! The democrats nominated a drooling tattooed skinhead with a billy goat beard who campaigned in a hoodie for the Senate in my home state, and he won. I feel like Job.
Jim Geraghty sums up the debacle pretty well.
Well, that was awful. The much-touted red wave felt more like a red splash in a kiddie pool.
Don’t Let Anyone Tell You It Was an Okay Night for Republicans
No excuses, Republicans. Everyone thought you had just about the ideal issue environment for a midterm election, and the exit polls verified it. Seven in ten voters said they were “dissatisfied” or “angry” with the state of the country. Around three-quarters of voters nationally characterized the state of the economy as “poor” or “not good,” and the same amount said that inflation has caused them severe or moderate hardship. About two-thirds said that gas prices have been causing them hardship. You had parents livid about the learning loss in schools because of the long closures for Covid-19 and inappropriate materials in the curriculum. You had an unpopular president, who was such a liability that Democrats couldn’t let him go anywhere near a swing state.
And the nation, deeply dissatisfied with the way the Democrats were running things, looked at what the GOP offered as the alternative and concluded, “Nope, I’ll stick with what the Democrats are giving me” in a lot of key places.

Pennsylvania or more accurately the two major population centers are as corrupt as they get. I have zero doubt that there was election cheating going on there. There is election cheating every time there is an election so likely this time too.
Seattle Sam
Look at it from the Democrat perspective.
Hey guys. We installed a mentally incapacitated President with historically low approval ratings. We fucked up just about everything we touched for two years. And what happened? We got a small slap on the wrist. Imagine what could happen if we accidentally did something well? The entire West Coast and all big cities are entirely under Party Control now. Time to move on to take over the rest of the country and REALLY end democracy. Move left and conquer!
son, steer clear of the NR Eunuchated Googlecorns.
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