02 Jan 2023

Words of Wisdom



“A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition.”

Rudyard Kipling, 30th December 1865 – 18th January 1936

Kipling by Sir Philip Burne-Jones [1899]

He should try telling this to my wife!

4 Feedbacks on "Words of Wisdom"

D B McGlocklin

I’m fully supportive of Rudyard Kipling’s comments.

Lee Also

I still think this is great insight to which not enough people pay attention:

“That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.”

Rafat Shawky

Online information

What is motivation and why is it so important?
Motivation is defined as: “a set of internal, or external, factors that partly determine a person’s actions.” In other words, it is said that when a person is motivated, his actions and energies are directed towards achieving a specific goal.

Currently, motivation is usually identified as the key to success precisely because it is the engine of the rest of the skills that lead to the goal which are willpower, perseverance, optimism and positive attitude, among many others. For this reason, companies that succeed in motivating their employees are up to 50% more efficient. Can you imagine being able to apply it in your life?

funny shooter 2

Someone assembled a book of “100 Authors Against Einstein” as Einstein was trying to figure out the special relativity phenomenon. Why 100? He replied. If I were mistaken, one would have been sufficient.


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