30 Jan 2023

Tyre Nichols Should Have Watched This

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We sleep soundly in our beds only because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.

— attributed to George Orwell.

5 Feedbacks on "Tyre Nichols Should Have Watched This"


On the news or the cop shows it is always the case that the black motorists absolutely refuse to comply. They argue, they resist and they often try to get away. And of course it always makes everything worse. And then they whine that it’s worse. I don’t know if it’s cultural or upbringing but that right there is the biggest reason for the disparate treatment they receive.

GIC Abear

Mr. Blair was one of the reasons I became one of those rough men. I am saddened to see our country seeming to live in a Monty Python sketch.

Clovis Sangrail

I don’t think this case is quite like that.
if you watch the bodycam footage, it seems clear that Tyre was targeted from the beginning. He was not given the chance to comply and he rightly, IMHO, although ineffectually, tried to flee.


“it seems clear that Tyre was targeted from the beginning.”

Yes you are right. But if when he was dragged out of the car and placed on the ground he had laid down and allowed them to handcuff him he would be alive today.

Clovis Sangrail

“But if when he was dragged out of the car and placed on the ground he had laid down and allowed them to handcuff him he would be alive today.”

Are you sure, because I’m not.
Why was he dragged from the car?
Why was he stopped by three cars with one angled across his? Why was he dragged from his car?
That’s what you would expect if he had evaded an initial stop but no-one claimed that’s what had happened.


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