06 Mar 2023

Would You Rather Singapore or Chicago?

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Easy answer.

One demurral: Personally, I think Drug Prohibition is stupid, futile, and unconstitutional. It’s the illegality that produces the cachet that fuels demand and that creates the highly profitable black market that funds crime and cartels. Its also the illegality that causes deaths from overdoses. If heroin was still sold at your local pharmacy, packaged by Bayer, warnings about dosage limits would be clearly labeled, and nobody would be accidentally mistaking fentanyl for heroin. It is not the business of the government of Singapore or the United States to police people’s private behavior.

We used to punish murder and crime a lot more like the way Singapore does today, and back then, in the United States, crime was similarly rare.

2 Feedbacks on "Would You Rather Singapore or Chicago?"


“It’s the illegality that produces the cachet that fuels demand and that creates the highly profitable black market that funds crime and cartels.”

I do not know anyone who decided to take drugs because they were illegal. This author lives in lala land.

I don’t necessarily think drug use should be a felony but it should not be zero consequences either. Almost everyone that uses drugs and got hooked on drugs got their drugs from a friend or casual acquaintance. Making drugs “legal” merely increases the percentage of people who will try drugs, simple as that. Possession of drugs should require a legal process not to much different than a speeding ticket with a fine or required treatment as the penalty. With more “tickets” for drug use/possession the fine and treatment requirements should be increased. AND it should be part of the legal criminal record so other people can know who is a “user” and who is not.

Think about this: During the covid stupidness you were not allowed to buy Ivermectin. You could buy cocaine and fentanyl and kill yourself with it but you couldn’t buy Ivermectin to save your life!! That is stupid. IF we make drugs legal THAN make ALL drugs legal, why have prescriptions?


One other point that is almost never said outloud. Almost all illegal drug use has at it’s base purpose easy sex. That is girls will give sex for drugs, girls will give up sex while on drugs. If you actually talk to hard core drug users you will learn that if you are female and reside in a drug house you essentially have to have sex with any man who also resides in the drug house. I have talked to women who say that they screwed about 10-12 men a day just for the privilege of having a roof over their head and access to drugs. People don’t take drugs just because it feels good, that’s what they say. But the real reason is sex!


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