30 Mar 2023

Katsujin-ken Satsujin-to

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In dojos offering training in kendo and aikido, the above phrase written in the grass script on a scroll is commonly hung for purposes of admonition and inspiration.

These Japanese radicals are pronounced Katsujin-ken Satsujin-to (sometimes, Katsujinken satsujinken) meaning “The sword which kills is the sword which gives life.”

They are often rendered more explicitly in English as “The sword which cuts down evil is the sword which preserves life.”

This adage is attributed to the masters of Yagyu school, the Tokugawa shoguns’ personal instructors in swordsmanship.

And those Yagyu school sword sensei-s were right. The rightful use of weapons is essential in an imperfect world to defend innocent lives against unjust violence.

A wider commitment to skill at arms and a more common readiness to defend the innocent would be infinitely more effective at saving the lives of victims of attacks by madmen and criminals than a totalitarian program attempting to enforce universal disarmament.

Katsu-tempo satsu-tempo.

In case after mass shooting case, a gun in the hands of the right bystander could have been the gun which destroyed evil and the gun which preserved life.

The latest couple of manifestations of a trend fostered by devoted media coverage and attention resulted again in all the typical expressions of the phobic attitudes of members of our over-domesticated, metrosexual intelligentsia toward firearms.

Guns are regarded as detestable and intrinsically dangerous objects which need to be kept under official control at all times, ideally in bank vaults. Their complete removal from American society is so unquestionably desirable that even house-to-house searches, and the shredding of the Bill of Rights, would be a perfectly acceptable price.

Obviously, this kind of policy proposal represents not a practical response to a real problem, but rather an irrational and emotional outburst, indifferent to benefits and costs, oblivious to process and law, expressive of an overwhelming combination of fear and aversion so profound as to dispense completely with practicality, proportionality, and cause and effect.

This kind of hostility toward firearms, this hoplophobia, needs to be recognized as the kind of irrationalism that it is.

In a sane society, familiarity and skill with arms, possession of the ability to defend oneself and others would be looked upon as essential components of every man’s education.

–a repost.

3 Feedbacks on "Katsujin-ken Satsujin-to"


There are a gazillion ways to look at this and to describe it but right here in the U.S. and right now in the Biden administration and the Democrat party this is about one thing and one thing only; They want to take your guns to facilitate their rise to power through tyranny.

I admit that is a hard sell to liberals and those who are ignorant of life and death struggle. 30, 40, 50 years ago it would have been so much harder to convince the ignorant and naïve. But an honest revel of how the Democrats have used crises and laws passed to protect us (like the Patriot Act) would show that the Democrat left does use crises and tyranny to increase their power and they intend to rule with an iron fist. Today there is little difference between the Democrat left and the communists in Russia in the 40’s and 50’s. Virtually the only difference is that they still don’t have absolute control BECAUSE we still have guns. They intend to change that and once they have they can throw of their masks and be the tyrannical communists that they are. The intend to rule this country with an iron fist!! Make no mistake about it.


Last paragraph…”In a sane society, familiarity and skill with arms, possession of the ability to defend oneself and others would be looked upon as essential components of every man’s education.”
Remember this with respect to your children and especially your grandchildren.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts about your. Regards


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