24 Apr 2023

Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News


Mediate story

It’s all over the news today. Not surprising. It’s a big deal.

We get no explanation. Was he blamed for reckless accusations against Dominion and Smartmatic that have already cost Fox News $787.5 million and will cost more to come?

Is Fox changing sides from Right to Left the way Drudge Report, Little Green Footballs, Balloon Juice did?

He can’t really have left because of a better television offer. There is nowhere but Fox for him to go. I suppose he could move to AM Radio and try to take the place previously occupied by Rush Limbaugh, but Tucker Carlson would probably feel that moving to radio would be a waste of his boyish good looks and preppy attire.

All in all, this is seriously bad news.

4 Feedbacks on "Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News"

Thon Brocket

Gotta say I liked the cut of his jib – right up to where he went all Sir Oswald Mosely on Ukraine. Lost me right there. Good riddance.

Seattle Sam

Tucker had such a large audience that he could often shine light on topics that the legacy media tried to ignore.


As with most things he brought to light or focused on, I found Tucker’s candor regarding the war in Ukraine both courageous and necessary. Who else in media has challenged (or refuted) the abject lies and BS being spewed by our corrupt government and discredited “foreign policy” establishment? Who else has rightfully noted that the US has no vital national interest in Ukraine or examined how our “all in” policies are actually undermining our position in the world? (In the FWIW department, I say that as an “old Soviet Hand”). May he soon land on his feet elsewhere where he can continue to fight the good fight.


If you understand civil lawsuits you understand that you win or lose based on the venue and the jury not on right or wrong. FOX caved not because what they said was wrong but because a trial would have cost them twice as much. Tucker wasn’t shown the door because of anything he said about Dominion it was because of what he said about J^ and the real crimes committed by congress and the Democrats. FOX bowed to the Dems and stopped Tucker from embarrassing them further with those videos and That is the problem.


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