Face it, America: you’re just too stupid to listen to Jordan Peterson and RFK Jr. talking about COVID vaccines. Your elite Corporate Overlords, the snot-nosed millennials with the piercings, tattoos, and the gender uncertainty, recently fresh out of college, recognize the need for themselves to do the big thinking for you. It simply wouldn’t be right for both sides of the argument to come your way, you might be confused and come down on he wrong side, poor hapless schmucks that you are. That’s why they’re working on those self-driving cars for you!
In the old America, now gone, businessmen (like Sinclair Lewis’s famous character) were timid and cautious about taking public positions on political matters or pubic controversies, recognizing that some of their customers would inevitably occupy positions on both sides of any such divide. They were afraid to come out on one side or the other for fear of losing half their business.
But today, there are all these natural electronic monopolies, Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and PayPal, and there are these gigantic legacy corporate entities, like Disney and Target and Anheuser-Busch and the Los Angeles Dodgers. If good old George Babbitt came out for Prohibition, for instance, the loose-livers and hard drinkers could, and would, just go right down the road to some other realtor. Today’s big businesses have gotten out of the habit of worrying about staying on their customers’ good sides. On the contrary, they feel entitled to tell you what to think.
YouTube said Monday that it had removed a video of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaking with podcast host Jordan Peterson for spreading what the company said was vaccine misinformation. …
YouTube’s policies against hosting false medical information are long-standing.
“We removed a video from the Jordan Peterson channel for violating YouTube’s general vaccine misinformation policy, which prohibits content that alleges that vaccines cause chronic side effects, outside of rare side effects that are recognized by health authorities,” YouTube said Monday in a statement.

I am not anti-vaccine, I’ve had them all including three of the Covid shots. in fact serving 20 years in the military I’ve had shots for stuff I didn’t even know existed. But at this point in time there are legitimate studies to show that those people who had the covid shot caught covid at greater rates and died at greater rates than those who did not have the shot. And there are even more studies to tabulate the many, many other negative side effects of the covid shot. Yet there are still many “experts” and pundits not only backing the covid shot but still fully behind boosters every year. Now these people aren’t stupid and they have seen the studies and the data too. So what we have here is a 1920’s style Soviet Union propaganda campaign where everyone pushing the covid shot knows it’s all a lie but they have an agenda, an ulterior motive and they intend to harm us and our country. These people are dangerous to you, your family and your country. Simple as that.
Seattle Sam
The very core of the scientific method is debate and discovery. Debate and discovery are, of course, a threat to the power of the authoritarian and must be stopped. It is particularly galling in light of our very recent experience with the Covidians, where so much of what they labelled as misinformation turned out to be true. The emperor must be allowed to go naked.
I confused my Physician by accepting the “seasonal” flu shot but declining (a polite term) the new mRNA “vaxx”. The mRNA shots made sense when the incoming disease was “drop dead dangerous”, but as time passed, My doc runs lots of lab tests, and, except for my age, I’m probably safe from respiratory infections.
RFK Jr, seems entranced by “words”, in discussions that are kept separate from results for a reason. The symptoms of “autism” manifest themselves at a later age than that when vaccinations are usually given. That is “coincidence” rather than cause and effect.
I am not anti-vaccination. You have to show some real evidence before I am going to take a deep dive to the Titanic. I am not “anti-vax” but I do want to see some relevant evidence. I rode a motorcycle for decades and did a little sky diving. I know to avoid the dangers. The mRNA Vaxx will require some time to be investigated and I am in no rush. I’ll wait. There is no rush.
RFK Jr is an amateur who writes well. His writing hides the fact that he doesn’t “know” squat.
Someone Else
RFKJ’s peeps are really on top of editing his Wikipedia entry, I must say. It’s very, uh, clean.
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