09 Oct 2023

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day

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3 Feedbacks on "Happy Indigenous Peoples Day"


The Incas were immigrants from Asia. It is likely that they were not the first immigrants to end up in South and Central America. Probably some South Pacific Islanders preceded them. But like the long and violent history of the Americas the Incas killed and enslaved the first immigrants. The Incas were actually colonist and slave owners. Ironic huh!

In Canada they call those descendants of colonists and slave owners “First Nations” without regard or recognition that they weren’t the first immigrant/colonists from Asia or mention of the terrible inhuman things they did to the immigrants that were there first. I think in honor of the farcical phrase “indigenous peoples day” that Canada should change the name from “First nations” to “First colonists”.

Another good idea to celebrate Indigenous people’s day would be reenactment of the rape, torture, murder and acts to despicable to say out loud that these “indigenous” people committed. It might kind of take some of the celebration away but it would be nice to put some truth into this hoax/sham.


Once, when I was teaching high school Spanish, I assigned my advanced class to break into teams and make up a skit, which was to be performed before the class. One of my students came up to me for help. He said, “We want to re-enact an Aztec sacrifice, but we can’t find any virgins here.”

Seattle Sam

What happens when a Wokester finds out that Native American tribes owned and traded black slaves? They must get so confused.


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