08 Feb 2024

Worst Behaved Pets

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Country Life celebrates Britain’s Worst Behaved Pets.I think this one’s the winner.

It’s awkward enough having your pet swipe other people’s meals, but it is quite another matter when they consume each other — especially in public. During one now legendary Sunday lunch hosted by the late Maj Tim Riley of Blencowe, Cumbria, his black labrador slunk into the dining room, where he proceeded to sick up a cat under a sideboard. Without breaking the conversation, Maj Riley got up and deftly placed his napkin over the remains. It had, we are told, a really bushy tail.


2 Feedbacks on "Worst Behaved Pets"


It certainly tells you a great deal about the owner.

Fusil Darne

I like cats, but, I can never finish a whole one.


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