04 Jul 2024

Democrats Face a Hard Choice

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Roger Kimball:

“The prospect of a President Harris for even ten minutes is not exactly encouraging. She is out of her depth in a puddle and is nearly as incoherent as her boss. But the Dems chose her because she was the only ambulatory black female they could find. Were they to jettison her now, their black base would revolt — and they would lose. Doubtless the entrepreneur David Sacks is correct when he observes that, ‘It seems that Democrats are considering every option except one: run the most dignified campaign you can, with the candidate you chose — and lose. Democrats insist on holding onto power at all costs. Whatever they do next will be a dirty trick or a hoax.’”

One Feedback on "Democrats Face a Hard Choice"

Seattle Sam

This is why Gavin Newsom will decline to run this year. He wants Biden/Harris to lose so that he can be set up for 2028/ Long game.


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