Armando Simon proposes that the GOP should go after another key democrat constituency.
The presidential election will be here before we know it and there is a crucial constituency that conservatives have traditionally ignored but may prove to be the pivotal element in the forthcoming election: the cemetery vote.
For many decades, the Democrats have had the black vote bloc firmly in their rear-end pocket and will probably continue to be that way, whether the Democratic candidate is Jack the Ripper, or Joan of Arc. They also hope that the Hispanic vote may be just as mindlessly subservient as the black voting bloc, but this may not be a certainty since a third of Hispanic voters voted for Trump in spite of the propaganda by the “impartial,” “objective” media in consistently portraying him as an anti-Hispanic racist.
On the other hand, the cemetery vote has repeatedly voted for Democratic candidates in all elections at an astonishing level of 100%. It is truly enviable.
Yet, if we examine this phenomenon what is equally surprising is that this has occurred in spite of Democrats not offering the Dead anything in return for their allegiance. They have not offered them any special status or entitlements. Affirmative Action has completely left them behind. There has not been a quota set aside for them in college admissions. They have not even mentioned the Dead in their speeches!
Unbelievable! The Democrats have simply taken them for granted. It is humiliating, if not tragic.
And this may turn out to be their ultimate downfall.
In my hometown, there were five voting wards. Unexpected democrat wins sometimes occurred, and when that happened everyone would blame “the Sixth Ward,” i.e. the cemeteries up on top of Locust Mountain.
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