13 Jan 2025

Liberals Never Learn


Kurt Schlichter does not believe the LA fires will cause California’s Blue State voters to wise up.

I don’t want to be pessimistic, but I’ve lived here 50-odd years, and I know the score. I got here when California was the Golden State, and now it’s the Charred Black State. It was a middle-class state in the 70s and 80s, but today’s California is a feudal society with an affluent aristocracy – their castles and keeps were the ones burned in this fire – lording over a huge caste of serfs. The middle class is either gone or leaving. That’s OK with the Democrats because it was the middle class that made California a Republican state for so long. They were the ones who demanded good government. Most of them are now in Texas or Idaho.

That leaves a bunch of really poor people and a few really rich ones. The poor people vote Democrat because the Dems feed them scraps, and the rich people vote Democrat because it makes them feel that they’re not the complete scumbags that, in many cases, they are. Have you noticed how it’s always the worst people who seem to be the most vocally liberal? Paging Harvey Weinstein – he probably worked with half the people whose houses burned down, and he probably tried to score with the other half.

The thing you must understand about the rich Californians who vote for Democrats – and not only vote for them but actively campaign for them and donate to them – is that this kind of leftism isn’t just a belief system. It’s their religion. Well, more accurately, it’s a substitute for religion. There’s an empty space inside every human being that normal people fill up with things like faith, family, and patriotism. The rich blue voters of California fill it up with commie gobbledygook. They add some wokeness, a dash of climate change, and a heaping helping of smug self-satisfaction. The resulting dog’s breakfast is what passes for their souls.


One Feedback on "Liberals Never Learn"


24 people have died in the fires so far. According to the fire chief it is because they were in the wrong place.

When I was a kid in the 50’s there was a fire house three doors down and I often talked with the firemen. I wanted to be a fireman so I ask lots of questions. The one that really stuck with me was that every fireman was required to be able to pick up an unconscious 220 lb man into a fireman’s carry and step out the 2nd story window and carry him down a ladder. I’m guessing that test is no longer required or at least not for lesbians and feminists.

Can you imagine the frustration a fireman must deal with knowing that any and all the women on his team can’t be counted on in an emergency. They simply do not have the physical strength.


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