09 Aug 2010

A Pre-Revolutionary Moment

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Fox News interviews Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell on the results of a Democracy Corps poll indicating that 64% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

5:59 video

The democratic party is fracturing… the democratic party has essentially been hijacked by an educated… over-educated, elite group who basically don’t care about the people who constitute the democratic party. … It is a much graver constitutional crisis. We have a situation where we have 21% of the people who believe that the government is operating with the consent of the governed, from the Declaration of Independence. 21! 68% say no. 57% of the people in a CNN poll said a few months ago said they believe the federal government is becoming a direct and immediate threat to their own freedom. Now, I’m telling you, that is pre-revolutionary. What’s happening is, this sense of pushing people. We’re going to shove this down your throat. We’re going to shove this. We know better. The issue is very simple: who is sovereign in this country? the people or the political class? … We are heading for a tidal wave kin November, the likes of which I don’t even know the dimensions yet. It’s still forming.

Hat tip to Ace via Bird Dog.

One Feedback on "A Pre-Revolutionary Moment"


It was a great interview. Except that I have to put in a plea for the educated. Not all of us are PC jerks who feel entitled to act like Little Emperors. Who hate our country and despise our fellow citizens. Some of us are patriots and devoted to our religion.

I wanted to smack Bloomberg upside his head after that speech of his about the mosque.


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