German socialists surrender at Stalingrad.
Lexington Green is in a gloating mood this morning.
Mr. Walker’s victory is the Stalingrad of the Left.
They sought this recall election.
They chose to fight here.
They made it into a symbol and a do-or-die fight.
They threw everything they had into it.
And they lost it all.
Hubris led to Nemesis, to catastrophe.
The tide has turned.
On to Kursk.
On to Berlin.
On to
What this reaffirms is that when an election is about principal — e.g. whether the taxpayer or the union runs the show, whether fiscal discipline is preferred to random spending, whether mobs of “activists” rule– conservatives generally come out on top. When an election is reduced to personality preference, the result is less predictable (see Wisconsin exit polls on November vote). Hopefully the Romney campaign will make note of this.
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