30 Jan 2019

“It Would Take a Heart of Stone Not to Laugh.” — John Hinderaker, Quoting Oscar Wilde

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Columbia Journalism Review managed a bit of anger between the sobs.

Last week was brutal for American journalism. By one estimate, BuzzFeed and media properties owned by Verizon and Gannett made plans to lay off more than 1,000 people between them, then got to work carrying them out. On Saturday, the president of the United States rubbed salt in the wound, tweeting that “Fake News and bad journalism have caused a big downturn.” As well as being wrong, the tweet was, as Ben Smith, BuzzFeed’s editor, replied, “a disgusting thing to say about dozens of American workers who just lost their jobs.”

The combined genius of Iowahawk and a Twitter contributor prevously unknown to me set a kind of new record for brilliance of response and spoke for all of us.



2 Feedbacks on "“It Would Take a Heart of Stone Not to Laugh.” — John Hinderaker, Quoting Oscar Wilde"

Cyberflix TV

That is hilarious. Lol


Is there a Go Fund Me page to get these soy flakes some emotional support chickens?


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