Category Archive '2020 Tokyo Olympics'

28 Jul 2021

Not My Ideal

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The same Dick’s Sporting Goods that announced in 2019 that it would stop selling guns and actually sanctimoniously destroyed $5 million worth of ‘military-style” weapons celebrated the current Tokyo Olympics with the above video featuring a long succession of nearly all unattractive female athletes, all representing sacred politically correct categories: the aged, the mannish, the handicapped, the just plain homely, and lots of representatives of racial minorities, as Johnny Desmond’s “Here she comes, Miss America! Here she comes, your ideal!” plays loudly in the background.

Face it: those of us living in today’s America get bombarded constantly with more shameless arm-twisting propaganda than the citizens of 1930s Germany did.

23 Jun 2019

Japanese Artists Turn Countries Into Anime Characters For 2020 Tokyo Olympics

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In preparation for the 2020 Olympics, Japanese anime artists are busily competing to provide each country with its own representative anime warrior. So far, the Philippines have gotten the character voted the best.

Bored Panda


This kind of thing has been done before, in Hetalia, a comic book manga that became a television anime series featuring the Allied and Axis Powers of WWII as teen-age characters.

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