Category Archive 'Athens'

20 Jul 2014

Greek Sling Bullet

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British Museum

Object type: sling-bullet

Museum number: 1851,0507.11

Description: Lead sling bullet; almond shape; a winged thunderbolt on one side and on the other, in high relief, the inscription DEXAI “Catch!”

Culture/period: Classical Greek

Date: 4thC BC

Excavated/Findspot: Athens

Materials: lead

Dimensions: Length: 43 millimetres — Weight: 105.16 grammes

19 Feb 2014

Winchester Model 12 Versus Ithaca Model 37 Featherweight

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Winchester Model 12

“If an ancient Athenian had to choose between an M12 and an M17-37, he would no doubt have chosen the sexier looking of the two, the Winchester. On the other hand, an ancient Spartan would have grabbed the Remington or Ithaca and shot the Athenian while he oogled the M12. Then the Spartan would have walked off with both guns.”

–Gil Stacy (a commenter of Steve Bodio‘s)

Remington Model 17

Ithaca Model 37

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