Category Archive 'Bare Minimum Mondays'

08 Aug 2023

Latest Millennial Trend: “Lazy Girl Jobs”

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Going viral among Gen Z, well-paying, undemanding jobs, facilitating an agreeable life/work balance.

While many millennials swear by the hustle culture and believe in giving their all at work and learning new skills that can be turned into a side hustle, there is a trend among many Gen Z to not let jobs dictate their life and take things easier.

After the trend of “quiet quitting”, which refers to doing the bare minimum of what is required of employees, a new trend going viral on social media is “lazy girl jobs”.

You must be wondering what “lazy girl jobs” refers to and if it means slacking off at work. The trend was made popular on TikTok by influencer Gabriel Judge. She explained the trend on her Instagram account named The Anti Work Girlboss (@antiworkgirlboss).

Lazy girl jobs refer to those jobs that require minimal effort, pays decently and is flexible with timings thus allowing employees a good work-life balance. Judge defines lazy girl jobs as something that you can basically “quiet quit”. She says there are a lot of jobs out there where one could make 60-80 thousand and not do much work and be remote. She said there are many non-technical tech roles like a marketing associate, some type of account manager or a customer success manager that are very good lazy girl jobs.

In another video, she shared her views and said having a 9 to 5n job is still cool but having a job where you can exercise work life balance and not be bound by fixed working hours is truly lazy girl jobs. She also shared how she has a lazy girl jobs programme that aims to help women find such jobs.
“And what we mean as lazy girl is a safe, high-paying, remote job that provides a safety net. Women are powerful beautiful and creative when we aren’t worrying about money. We have so many resources on how to get your next lazy girl job.”



The interview undoubtedly goes like this:

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