11 Nov 2012
BSG: Blood and Chrome
"Battlestar Gallactica" (2004), "Battlestar Gallactica: Blood & Chrome" (2012), Batt;estar Gallactica: Blood and Chrome, Nerd News, Science Fiction

William Adama, young and old versions
Released Friday as a podcast: Episode 1 of Battlestar Gallactica: Blood and Chrome. To be broadcast complete on the Sci Fi Channel in January.
Set in the tenth year of the First Cylon War, the story follows William Adama as a young man, with the call sign “Husker.”
William, being a recent Academy graduate, is assigned to the newest battlestar in the Colonial fleet: the Galactica. He is ordered to escort a young woman, who eventually turns out to have vital information that carries significant importance to certain Cylon secrets. …The routine mission eventually turns dangerous and becomes a pivotal part in their story.
Episode 1:
Episode 2: