Category Archive 'Belacqui'

28 Jan 2020

Report from Japan

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Biho Takashi, Two crows fly in the snow falling sky, 1890s.


Every retail store in Japan, from supermarkets and electronics stores to 100yen shops and secondhand thriftstores, have their own theme song and jingle which they play on repeat in their stores, and sometimes supermarkets have jingles for specific seasonal dinner plates in attempt to brainwash customers.

There is also a truck which circles through Shibuya and nearby areas blasting an annoying recording of women singing high pitched and off-key, advertising a website for female sex industry jobs, and they are unfortunately very effective in catching attention and memory.

The other day while the train was stopped I heard crows cawing nearby. It startled me because they sounded like tortured young Japanese men screaming in intense agony or pleasure.

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