Category Archive 'Caspar Weinberger'

28 Mar 2006

Lyn Nofziger and Cap Weinberger

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Ossian Welcoming Napoleon's Marshalls into Valhalla
Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson (1767-1824), L’apothéose des héros français morts pour la patrie pendant la guerre de la Liberté. [Apotheosis of the French Heroes Who Died for their Fatherland During the War for Liberty]
1802. Oil on canvas, 192 x 184 cm
Musée National du Château de Malmaison, Rueil

Franklin Curran Nofziger (born 1924 at Bakersfield, California), US Army WWII, spokesman and advisor to Ronald Reagan, in Falls Church, Virginia of cancer, age 81.

Peter Robinson writes: Tonight, I’d like to believe, they’re together once again.

Caspar Weinberger (born 1917 in San Francisco, Harvard ’38, Harvard Law ’41, US Army WWII, served as budget director and Secretary of HEW for Richard Nixon, and as Secretary of Defense for Ronald Reagan at Bangor, Maine of pneumonia, age 88.

Investor’s Business Daily writes: The hundreds of millions freed from Soviet tyranny owe their liberty to Ronald Reagan — and by extension to Cap and Lyn. R.I.P.

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