Category Archive 'Daniel Tarantola'

18 May 2008

NSW Prof: Global Warming Could Cause More HIV Infection

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Daniel Tarantola, formerly of Harvard’s School of Public Health and the UN’s World Health Organization, now “Professor of Health and Human Rights” at the University of New South Wales (What do you suppose he did?), recently received international press attention for this terribly precise scientific analysis of the clear causal nexus between Global Warming and Increased HIV Infection.

He also deserves a nice new entry on Warmlist.

In a panel discussion between top HIV researchers, Professor Daniel Tarantola said that warming could strain already meager health and social resources in the world’s poorest and most vulnerable countries, worsening the incidence of HIV and other diseases.

“It was clear soon after the emergence of the HIV epidemic that discrimination, gender inequality and lack of access to essential services have made some populations more vulnerable than others. These problems have not gone away,” Professor Tarantola said. “Today, additional threats are lurking on the horizon as the global economic situation deteriorates, food scarcity worsens and climate change begins to affect those who were already dependent on survival economies.

“Climate change will trigger a chain of events which is likely to increase the stress on society and result in higher vulnerability to diseases including HIV,” he said.

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