Category Archive 'Donatella Versace'

23 Jun 2008

Obama Campaign Hits Its Signature Note

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Obama suit worn by typical Obama voter

Donatella Versace is dedicating her Spring/Summer Collection to the person she calls “the man of the moment,” none other than that popular fashionista B. Hussein Obama himself. The collection is intended to express the style of “a relaxed man who doesn’t need to flex muscles to show he has power.” In other words, a fellow not like Bush, the kind of guy who won’t go around invading hostile countries to show off (just because they’re trying to develop WMD and acting as state sponsors of terrorism), but who will happily go to Iran to negotiate with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad “without conditions.” The kind of man who cooks, supports Gay Rights, and isn’t afraid to cry at chick flicks.

In order to assure Obama’s electoral success, Versace was offering some advice, according to the news agency which-is-not-to-be-named: he should get rid of his tie, and “jazz up” his shirt.

Twitters of joy can be heard in San Francisco, but HillBuzz shakes her head, and scoldingly declares that this development is really a very ominous sign of electoral doom to come. They don’t vote for pastels in the Heartland.

Because Democrats don’t win elections when they are too adored by Hollywood or high profile Euro characters like Versace…regular Americans pick up on it, working class blue collar Americans, and they reject the kind of Democrat who inspires things like Versace’s new Spring/Summer line.

Especially when it’s heavy on the pastels.


Because, it emasculates a candidate and puts him in the realm of the frivolous, which is dangerous ground for someone like Obama, who doesn’t deal in substance to begin with. The image that’s being reinforced by him, and by things like the Versace line, is an elite, too-cute-by-half, far left liberal.

The voters he needs to win in the fall don’t give a damn about Versace or arugula, but about jobs and security.

Meanwhile, they’re laughing their asses off over at McCain campaign headquarters.

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