Category Archive 'Eric Fuller'

16 Jan 2011

Win Some, Lose Some

The left thought it won the lottery yesterday, when Eric Fuller, one of the shooting victims in Tucson, blamed Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and the Tea Party Movement for his injuries, the Politico reported.

One of the wounded in the Tucson, Ariz., shooting that left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords critically injured is blaming Sarah Palin, House Speaker John Boehner, Fox TV host Glenn Beck and former Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle for the tragedy.

“It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target,” Eric Fuller said in an interview with Democracy NOW.


Then, oops! things went the other way, when Fuller got himself arrested and taken away to the laughing academy for testing as the result of publicly making a death threat to a political adversary himself. The Politico, again:

In an unexpected twist to the Arizona shootings, a man wounded in the attack was arrested and taken for a psychiatric exam after an outburst at a town hall meeting, during which he took a picture of a tea party leader and yelled “you’re dead,” authorities say.

James Eric Fuller, 63, was detained on misdemeanor disorderly conduct and threat charges Saturday during the event taped for a special edition of ABC’s “This Week,” Pima County sheriff’s spokesman Jason Ogan said.

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