Category Archive 'Ford Maddox Ford'

16 Sep 2020

From the Index

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Ford Maddox Ford.

I was browsing through the index of people appearing in Ford Madox Ford’s biography and suddenly:

“Ford, Ford Madox:

‘absorbs a terrifying quantity of alcohol’ (…)
accused of being his own grandfather (…)
anxiety about stupidity (…)
‘appalled at the idea of success’ (…)
‘obese cockatoo’ (…)
‘my own ugly face’ (…)
‘lumpy figure … gasping like a fish’ (…)
‘beached whale’ (…)
‘challenges Gide to a duel’ (…)
‘Conrad springs at his throat’ (…)
disagreement with Joyce about virtues of red and white wine (…)
‘Ford of many models’ (…)
‘gets stuck in a chair made by Pound’ (…)
‘inadvertently cuts his own brother’ (…)
‘names potato plants after writers’ (…)
pattern of involvement with two women at once (…)
suggests electrical voting (…)
visa for USA withdrawn: Consul believes trip is ‘for immoral purposes’ (…)“

“Hemingway, Ernest
attacks Ford and threatens to grind Eliot to a fine dry powder

From The Fox Hunting Man.

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