Friday, June 17, 2011: A Few Good Links
Anthony Weiner, Barack Obama, Economics, Federal Spending, George Soros, Iowa, James Joyce, Keynesianism, Recession, Safety Fascism

Via Theo.
Supposed Christian group that won headlines attacking Paul Ryan’s budget funded by the very secular-minded George Soros.
Jim DeMint: Your tax dollars at work: $2 million grant to build a “culinary amphitheater,” wine tasting room, and gift shop in Richland, Washington. That makes sense, with the federal deficit where it is, everyone needs a drink.
Cedar Falls, Iowa wants keys to residents’ homes. It’s for their safety.
Kayleigh via Jose Guardia: Keynesianism is the equivalent of pouring your can of soda into a glass and trying to claim that, because the soda is now in the glass, you have more soda than if you had not poured it into the glass.
Michelle Malkin: Woe is Weiner: No skillz to pay the billz. But don’t worry, he has a job offer with a higher salary. And he has a pension.
Leopold Bloom resigns after erotic letters leak.