Category Archive 'Ledbury Hunt'

29 Mar 2018

Another World

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Ledbury Hunt meeting at the Feathers Hotel on Boxing Day of 1909.

RSH forwarded this photo, and wrote:

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”

17 Jan 2016

My God! What a Fall!

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(photo by Viki Ross)

British eventer Alice Pearson took a tremendous fall out with the Ledbury Hunt at Murrells End on January 15th latest, winding up under her struggling horse. Meanwhile, other members of the field poured over the same hedge, landing on both sides of the fallen horse and rider. This is the kind of thing the Irish refer to as “a crucifying fall.”

The ground must have been soft that day because both Alice & Chocky survived without serious injury.

If you can follow the link to Facebook, you can see the whole nearly disastrous sequence.

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