Somebody Actually Funded This One
Marketing, Modern Marriage, O tempora o mores!, On-line Services

Rolling Stone describes a new on-line marketing service which is bound to be controversial with the ladies.
Relationships, the saying goes, are hard. Many couples find their sex drives are mismatched over time, a problem that sex therapists often suggest fixing by working on communication. The Spinner, launched in April of this year, offers a different route to marital bliss — the online service encourages dissatisfied husbands to skip all that messy relationship effort and instead try to manipulate their wives on a subconscious level, in a way only possible in the age of the Internet.
For the bargain price of $29, husbands are sent an innocuous link that they, in turn, send via email or text message to their “target.†It can be accessed on a computer or mobile device and looks like any other hyperlink to an article, joke or video. Once she clicks on this link, a small piece of code is dropped on and then through browser cookies, she will be fed a slow drip of content chosen for her with the express motive of encouraging her to initiate sex.
Ht: David Solin.