Category Archive 'Pavel Morozov'

05 Mar 2022

Pavel Morozov Awards Go to Jackson & Peyton Reffitt

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Jackson Reffitt

The Pavel Morozov Award (for turning in your own parent to the totalitarian state) goes this year to Texas teenagers.

Just the News:

The teenage son of a Texas man charged with storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 testified Thursday that he had secretly recorded his father describing his participation in the incident and given the file to the FBI after his father threatened him and his sister.

The son, Jackson Reffitt, testified in the trial of his father, Guy Reffitt. He is charged with bringing a gun onto Capitol grounds and interfering with the law enforcement officers guarding the building. He has additionally been charged with obstruction of justice for making threats against his children.

Reffitt was not one of the protesters who entered the Capitol building, he retreated after being pepper sprayed by an officer.

Reffitt’s trial began Wednesday and prosecutors are expected to rest their case Monday. The judge and jury will also hear testimony from the youngest Reffitt daughter, Peyton, whom prosecutors expect will testify that she believes her father was attempting to intimidate her two older siblings.

Reffitt was arrested less than a week after the riot and has since been held in jail in Washington, D.C.

Jackson Reffitt, who was 18 at the time of the Capitol riot, told the court was scared and “pretty grossed out” when his father, Guy Wesley Reffitt, told him and his 16-year-old sister that they would be “traitors” if they reported him too law enforcement and that “traitors get shot.”

“I never thought our father would say that to us,” said Reffitt, who shared as a witness for the prosecution that he felt a mix of fear and guilt following his meeting with the FBI five days after the 2021 incident. He said he spoke with an agent about the threats his father made and turned over a cellphone recording of a family conversation at their house.


Two living arguments for more liberal abortion policies.

Peyton Reffitt

27 Jan 2022

Ratting Out Your Neighbor at Yale

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Yale’s next residential college should be named for Pawel Morozov, the Soviet Young Pioneer, who reported his father to the Party for hiding food. The father was sentenced to ten years in a labor camp, and ultimately executed. 13-year-old Pavel was killed by his relatives for betraying his father, and then his whole family was executed by firing squad.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that Yale has successfully adopted the Neighborly Surveillance and Reporting System that proved previously so successful in East Germany and Castro’s Cuba.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Yale University has required all students to mask indoors in public spaces. But it was 9:30 p.m on a Saturday night, and the library was deserted. With no one within at least 150 feet of him, a Yale senior decided to relax with a movie—and without a mask.

It got him reported to the school’s COVID hotline.

According to the Yale senior, another student walked into the library and demanded he mask up. Since he didn’t have one on him, the senior said he would leave. As he was gathering his belongings, the other student pulled out her phone and began filming him. When the senior asked for her name, the student raised her middle finger and stormed off.

Two days later, he received a notice from the Yale administration that he had been reported for violating the school’s “Community Compact,” a set of rules put in place to “promote the health and safety of all community members.” The student was given 24 hours to provide the “Compact Review Committee” with “any relevant information” he would like it to consider during the official “evaluation” of his conduct. He was ultimately found guilty of a violation and threatened with a “public health withdrawal.”

“The [committee] has determined that your conduct posed a risk to the health and safety of yourself or other community members,” the university wrote the student two weeks later. “Should you continue to engage in behavior that violates the Yale Community Compact, you will be placed on Public Health Warning and may face more serious outcomes, including the removal of permission to be on campus.”

According to university documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, the incident in the library took place on December 4, 2021—the same night 1,000 maskless students gathered for Yale’s annual holiday dinner. A ritzy Yale tradition that had been canceled in 2020, the dinner featured lobster-laden ice sculptures and a parade of mostly masked dining hall workers, who marched the decadent culinary spread through a packed crowd of students, according to a video posted of the evening’s festivities.

The episode offers a window into the intrusive and often inconsistent enforcement of Yale’s COVID rules, which, as one student put it, “made campus feel like a surveillance state.” The rules were put in place before the existence of vaccines but have persisted long after, relaxing or tightening as case counts fluctuate and new variants erupt.

You successful hedge fund tycoons, be sure to give Peter Salovey another $100 million, since he’s doing such a fine job.


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