Category Archive 'Peshmerga'

17 Oct 2014

“More Than 100 Jihadi Kills”

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Breitbart reports:

Rehana became famous in Kurdish Twitter circles after a photo of her giving a peace sign began to circulate on the social network. …

According to the International Business Times, Rehana is a YPJ (Kurdish female Peshmerga) soldier under the command of famed female soldier Mayssa Abdo, who herself has become famous for running the operation to keep the Syrian border town of Kobani out of the hands of the Islamic State. …

Rehana is one of many Female Kurdish soldiers who have become the front lines in the battle against the Islamic State. Islamic State jihadists believe that their martyrdom will not result in the promised gifts of the afterlife should they die at the hands of a woman, making the YPJ particularly indispensable against this enemy. YPJ units fight in both Syria and Iraq, and regularly post to social media to report on their successes in battle.

Hat tip to Clarice Feldman.

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