Category Archive 'Prince Harry'

18 May 2023

Near Catastrophic Chase


06 May 2020

Harry is Whipped Alright, But So Is the Limey Press

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Harry shooting driven birds at Sandringham in better times.

The Sun is happy to poke fun at Harry for giving up his guns to please his boss Meghan, but “Royal Correspondent” Matt Wilkinson, and whoever-is-his-editor, were themselves obviously neutered so long ago that they never owned any to give up.

Since it was a pair of Purdeys that were sold, they were obviously shotguns, not “handmade hunting rifles.”

The Star simply stole the same story from The Sun, and they refer to Harry selling his “handmade shooting rifle collection.”

Prince Harry has flogged his handmade hunting rifles after giving up bloodsports to please wife Meghan.

A fellow hunter bought the pair of prized Purdey firearms, thought to be worth at least £50,000, in a private deal.

Harry learnt to shoot as a child and once killed a one-ton buffalo.

But Meghan is opposed to hunting and pals hinted the Duke of Sussex would give up to appease her.

Harry, 35, was also absent from the recent shoots at Balmoral and Sandringham. He sold his two British-made guns five months ago — before he and Meghan, 38, quit the UK for a new life in North America.

A friend of the anonymous buyer said: “He bought them because he wanted them, not because they belonged to Harry, but he was quite chuffed when he found out. They are beautiful examples and he’s very pleased with them but he’s not the sort of yperson who wants to boast about the royal connection.”

Last week conservationist Dr Jane Goodall said she expected Harry to turn his back on bloodsports.

16 Apr 2020


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Sad news from The Telegraph:

Prince Harry will give up hunting because Meghan does not like it, the Duke’s fellow conservation champion Dr Jane Goodall has said.

Harry and Meghan are both fans of the world-renowned chimpanzee activist, 86, and the Prince interviewed her for Vogue magazine last year.

Harry and Meghan are now living in lockdown close to Hollywood, Los Angeles. Dr Goodall said she thought Harry is finding the move to LA amid the global pandemic “a bit challenging” following his move to North America from Canada and may give up hunting because of Meghan, who is a keen animal activist.

Her comments come after Harry has skipped several Royal Family hunts, with some sources close to the couple claiming he has shunned the activity because of Meghan.

The activist believes that Harry and his brother, the Duke of Cambridge, work to protect the natural world – apart from when they hunt.

She told the Radio Times: “Yes [they champion the natural world] except they hunt and shoot. But I think Harry will stop because Meghan doesn’t like hunting, so I suspect that is over for him.

“I don’t know how his career is going to map out, but yes, I’ve been in touch, though I think he’s finding life a bit challenging just now.”

Harry has missed several huntings, including the Royal’s annual summer holiday hunt at Balmoral in Scotland in August 2018. He also missed the Royal Boxing Day shoot at Sandringham in 2017.

In another interview with Jane Goodall in September’s edition of Vogue magazine, Harry pledged not to have “too many” children of his own in light of the environmental pressures facing the planet.

The Duke, who has one baby boy, Archie, said having a son had made him think more about the environment, underlining how he “should be able to leave something better behind for the next generation”.

28 Aug 2012

Soldiers Express Solidarity With Embattled Prince

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More than 15,700 mostly male & female soldiers from military forces of nations worldwide (I saw Germany, Russia, Spain, Canada, Italy, and Israel in there), who have been joined by some civilians as well, have come to the defense of Britain’s Prince Harry by posting unclothed photos of themselves online via a Facebook group titled: “Support Prince Harry with a naked salute!.”


One US Navy seal added a particularly nice clothed salute:


The general sentiment is that the Prince, who served in a combat unit in Afghanistan, is entitled to recreation and privacy in Las Vegas during his off-duty time, just like anybody else.

The Mirror

23 Aug 2012

What Happened in Las Vegas

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That sound chap James Delingpole sticks up for Prince Harry’s right to do the sorts of things high-spirited and unmarried young men are wont to do on weekends of leisure at resort locations with like-minded young ladies. The prince will be old and respectable one day.

Anyway, the nude photos of Prince Harry in Vegas cannot be allowed to pass without comment. They have, I note, prompted an outbreak of massive prudery among some of my Telegraph colleagues. And perhaps you feel the same way: that the third in line to the British throne should not be seen cavorting naked with young women in American gambling resorts.

To which I’d reply: are Harry’s critics remotely familiar with British history? This is what young royals do. It’s what they’re supposed to do. Look at the roistering buck that Henry VIII was (before he grew fat and syphilitic); look at the very type of the Regency buck – the Prince Regent (later George IV); look at the playboy Edward VIII (and indeed his grandfather Edward VII); look at Harry’s namesake – Prince Hal – who, if we are to believe Shakespeare, deliberately cultivated an image of debauchery and irresponsibility the better “like bright metal on a sullen ground” to set off the magnitude of his reformation on assuming kingship …

Harry also acts as a very entertaining foil to his more staid elder brother William. I find their evident love for one another one of the most delightful things of all the Royal Family. One of Harry’s functions, I suspect, is to do all the things that William would like to do but can’t being heir to the throne. So Harry acts as his pressure valve, his fantasy alter ego …

Plus, of course, Harry has served his country, on the front line in Afghanistan, so I think deserves to be cut a bit of slack.

Scandalous photos.

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