Category Archive 'Reggie Love'

17 Mar 2015

“When He’s Mad, President Barack Obama Gets Eerily Quiet”


Obama’s body servant, Reggie Love, carries the papers.

Business Insider serves up today juicy details from Reggie Love’s Power Forward: My Presidential Education, a memoir of the 21-year-old Duke University sports star’s experience of working as Barack Obama’s personal body servant.

Love got to fetch and carry for his Obamaness, buy Obama’s clothes, serve Obama’s meals, babysit his children, and even shoot basketball hoops with the great man.

When Love made mistakes, we learn, the wrath of Obama could be terrible.

The night before Love’s first official trip as Obama’s “chief of stuff” he made a trip to a local supermarket to buy black and silver Sharpie’s, black pilot G2 Gel Roller pens, Trident chewing gum, and trail mix. Mulling over the plethora of trail mix options Love recalls, “Salted or dry roasted? Sweet or spicy? With or without dried fruit or candy? I realized I hadn’t a clue what the man (Senator Obama) would like. I also had an accompanying thought: how much could it possibly matter? He’d be grateful regardless, right?” Turns out, the trail mix selection did matter to Obama. Hours later Love flew with the senator on a commercial flight from D.C. to LaGuardia. While on the flight Love offered Obama the bag of trail mix. “The senator opened the bag of trail mix I’d bought and proceeded to pick out every M&M, holding them all in his palm like pieces of candy-coated toxic waste. ‘I’m not going to eat these,’ he said while pushing his hand in my general direction. ‘Do you want them?’ he asked, wrinkling his nose. ‘No thank you, sir,’ I answered, then made the first of what would be thousands of notes to self: No candy with the trail mix.”


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