Interesting (and Different) 12 Gauge Loads
12 gauge, Ammunition, Guns, Shotgun Shells

Firequest has some new loadings for when you really want to take down that intruder.
12 Gauge “Pit Bull”
Pure Power! The Pit Bull is a powerful 12 gauge round packed with six 00-Buck pellets topped with a heavy-duty 1.3 ounce slug! Loaded extra hot for MAXIMUM stopping power. Once it bites it won’t let go. This is the number one rated ammo for home and self defense.
12 Gauge “Rhodesian Jungle”
The Rhodesian Jungle rounds are great for in home defense! The combination of several large pellets surrounded by a mass of smaller pellets allows for double punching power to any intruder that is unlucky enough to cross it’s path. Make the intruder think twice with this double whammer power. If the big pellets don’t get you, the small ones will. 23/4 round
12 GA. “Piranha”
This 12 gauge round contains dozens of razor sharp steel tacks that blast out at high velocity which virtually guarantees that there will no response from the perpetrator. Each round is buffed with #12 shot thus creating a double shock to the wound area. Absolutely will not harm your shotgun. To be used no closer than 10 feet and no further than 50 feet. 2 3/4″ round.
Or are simply feeling festive.
12 GA. Confetti Ammo
This ammo is for theatrics and serious amusement! The shell is packed with powder and colored confetti. When shot, it will make a large circle in the air between 10 and 15 feet in diameter. The paper then blows away in the wind. Great for parties and plain old fashioned fun! This is a spectacular round and must be seen to believe. 2 3/4†round.
H/t to The Barrister.