Category Archive 'Venezuelan Flag'

26 Aug 2010

Viva la libertad!

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At the recent Miss Universe Pageant, outgoing 2009 Miss Universe winner, Stefania Fernandez, on her final appearance, defiantly displayed the 7-star, pre-2006 Flag of Venezuela, symbolizing her personal opposition to the socialist dictatorship of Hugo Chavez (who as one of many expressions of his crackpot devotion to the liberal revolutionary Simon Bolivar, whose politics were really the opposite of Chavez’s own, brought about the adoption in 2006 of Bolivar’s proposed 8-star “Flag of Angostura”).

As Francisco de Miranda said: “Muerte a la tiranía. Viva la libertad!” (Death to Tyranny. Long live Freedom!)

Hat tip to IBD via Scott Johnson.

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