Category Archive 'Women’s Beach Volleyball'

10 Aug 2008

Olympic Moment

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Even George W. Bush likes watching women’s beach volleyball.

News-agency-not-to-be-named photo

Same news agency complete story, with even more cute photos (whose reproduction is streng verboten).

Hat tip to the News Junkie.

The LA Times reported:

Defending gold medalists Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh gave the chief executive some pointers. Then after a good play, in the tradition of female volleyballers, May-Treanor turned, bent over slightly and offered her bikinied rear-end for the 43rd president to slap.

“Mr. President,” she said, “want to?”

Want to has nothing to do with it in public life.

As the son of a president, a husband of nearly 37 years, the father of two daughters, the subject of some attempted tabloid exposes and a seasoned political veteran, who is not a female athlete but knows that every camera for a half-mile is trained on him, Bush wisely chose instead to brush his hand across the small of May-Treanor’s back.

Darn it!

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