Harry Hutton of Chase me, ladies, I’m in the cavalry observes that while “Arizona is the stupidest state in the whole United States -quite an achievement given what the rest of the country is like- yet last year their economy grew by 7.1%, second only to Nevada, the fourth stupidest place.” All of this is according to a ranking system quoted by Tim Blair.

The large population of conservatives probably accounts for the low level of intelligence and backwards education. Also, smart companies move here and take advantage of our stupid people who give away the ranch, literally, to get a few low paying jobs. People continue move to Arizona and Nevada to escape the cold weather of the north and inject their life savings and social security into the local economy. And Californians come here to find real estate values.
The news article did not provide any like a complete explanation of all the criteria, and how they were quantitatively factored. (That would take work. They are journalists, after all.) But one can tell, I think, that it would be easy to tweak the analysis to produce any result you wished.
You’re right about Arizona being a popular retirement haven, especially for Californians. I noticed that the last timer I was there. There was a particularly impressive elephant’s graveyard ambiance in Lake Havasu City, for instance…
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