08 Nov 2005

Reflections on the Revolution in France, I

American and Europe both have in common a contemporary state of affairs in which socialist ideology and the Welfare State have destroyed the work ethic of the native ineducable class, in the natural course of things destined for a career of unskilled labor. In both societies, it is impossible to find native-born citizens willing to stoop to modestly paying jobs involving unpleasant physical labor or tedium, and in both cases, we import replacement workers from abroad.

With characteristic hypocrisy, Americans complain about illegal immigration, while relying in countless cases upon off-the-books workers from Mexico and Central America to clean their houses, mow their lawns, move their furniture, or build their new home. Illegal aliens bus our tables, serve our fast food, and in general do all the dirty work and heavy lifting. The French, and other Europeans, resorted to a similar expedient earlier, in a more above-board fashion opening their doors to a major influx of residents of former colonies, or guest workers, to fill the same kinds of roles.

In America, we naturally get, as part of our enormous new wave of immigration, a small number of criminals and hormone-intoxicated male adolescents. All large waves of immigration are bound to contain a portion of the same. But we are primarily receiving people who are hard-working, family-oriented, and Roman Catholic. Our illegal Hispanic immigrants of today have both the natural inclinations, and a natural trajectory, to become tomorrow’s Republican voters. Europe was less fortunate. Its unskilled laboring classes are primarily drawn from Islamic countries.

From a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant perspective, Mexicans and Salvadorans seem downright exotic, but Spain was also part of European civilization, and Roman Catholics are also Christians sharing a common European culture and its values. Europe’s equivalent laboring caste is far more fundamentally alien.

America also has a tradition of assimilating foreign immigrant laborers, and can point to a demonstrable record of delivering in the past to the descendants of lowliest of its laborers a real path upward with respect to education, career opportunity, and prosperity. France has frozen its Islamic immigrants out of opportunities for upward mobility by a low-growth economy produced by its regime of Social Welfare. France even effectively curtails their physical mobility, trapping its Islamic laboring classes in battery-cage banlieus, functioning as Theodore Dalrymple observed in 2002, as the practical and moral equivalent of the South African system of apartheid.

The second European generation of foreign unskilled labor remains unassimilated, and without a path to opportunity. World-wide Islamic revolution is in the air, and we are seeing the thirteenth night of violence in Paris.

One Feedback on "Reflections on the Revolution in France, I"


JDZ says that the hypocritical Americans complain about the immigrants while using their services. In fact, often the ones complaining are not those using the services. Often the objections are to illegal immigration; for me the real objection is to changing enclaves in the USA to resemble part of Mexico. I don’t want to live in Mexico, and I don’t see why I should have to. The next step after admitting overwhelming numbers of legal and illegal Mexicans is riots and irredentism. Wars have been fought over this sort of thing, why not avoid it?


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