29 Nov 2005

Bin Laden still Directing Terror Operations

DebkaFile reports today that:

Interrogations of al Qaeda adherents captured in 9 countries in November have finally exploded the myth of Osama bin Laden as a semi-retired inspirational figurehead. (DebkaNet)’s intelligence and counter-terror sources reveal that bin Laden has emerged as a vitally active planner of all al Qaeda’s terrorist operations up to the present.


In an interview on Tuesday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” CIA Director Porter Goss said the agency has made progress in finding the leaders of al-Qaida, and knows a “great deal more about (Osama) bin Laden, (Abu Musab) al-Zarqawi and (bin Laden aide Ayman) Zawahiri than we’re able to say publicly.”

Meanwhile, the ever-perspicacious democrat Majority Leader Nevada Senator Harry Reid of Nevada said this week he thinks Osama Bin Laden was killed in last month’s earthquake in Pakistan.

One Feedback on "Bin Laden still Directing Terror Operations"

Myopic Zeal

Harry Reid: Undermining the United States

Is Harry Reid wrong, and aiding the enemy? Or is he right, and aiding the enemy? John Fund makes the case that right or wrong, Harry Reid is underminig the United States. Harry Reid stated that he has been told that OBL died in the Pakistan earthqu…


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