30 Nov 2005

Murtha Demands DC Pullout

Reports the Arizona Conservative:

Congressman John P. Murtha (D-PA) widened his call for a strategic withdrawal to include Washington, D.C.“Let’s face it,” Murtha said. “The capitol has led the nation in crime for more than a decade. There is nothing more than can be accomplished by staying. It’s time to pull out.”

A snap poll conducted by NBC showed a majority of Americans agree with Murtha’s latest proposal.

“Congress has been looting and pillaging taxpayers for generations,” said pollee John Smith of Anytown, U.S.A. “Shutting down the capitol sounds like a pretty good idea.”

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) asserted that Murtha’s words have been misconstrued. “Congressman Murtha was referring to a Republican pull-out,” said Pelosi. “He’s saying everything would be fine if we could get the Republicans to pull out of Washington.”

Congressman J.D. Hayworth (R-Ariz.) said his office has been inundated by citizens calling for a “sense of congress” resolution calling for the immediate withdrawal of all members of congress and the redeployment of resources back to the taxpayers. “Murtha may have awakened the proverbial ‘sleeping dog,’“ said Hayworth. “There’s no telling where this may lead now.”


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