31 May 2006

A Good Rant


Sigmund, Carl and Alfred gets fed up, and tells it like it is.

The time has come once more for SC&A to unload.

We don’t care who we insult or who takes offense. Unlike the other brilliant therapists who regularly blog, we are dead and thus don’t give a rat’s ass about what you think. Further, we are smarter than you, better looking than you and the object of desire of fabulous and good looking women. For you whiny,metro-sexual and sensitive bastards out there, we concede you look very nice in your pink shirt, yellow paisley tie and dress flip-flops with tassels


Let’s get real about immigration. The same cheap ass bigotry that is on display today in much of the right wing blogosphere, predates you. That’s right- your high minded bigotry, couched as ‘concern,’ is nothing new.

When the Irish Catholics came off the boat in New York, escaping from famine and certain death, high minded Americans beat the crap out of them because the freakin’ Catholic papist evil bastards were going to ruin the country.

When the Italians and the Jews got off the boat in New York, there were those who met them at the docks and welcomed them with baseball bats- literally. Why? Because the damn Jews and more papist evil bastards Italians were going to ruin America. Later migrations of other ethnic groups were met with similar experiences. If the welcome in New York wasn’t enough, that human flotsam that boarded trains to middle America had it even worse. There was no ‘neighborhood,’ there was not much of an immigrant community to find refuge. Immigrants to these shores faced hatred and bigotry that was unimaginable. Some of this fine and caring ‘immigrant aid societies’ sold children into servitude in theMidwest (Norman Rockwell never got around to painting pictures of Italian and Irish kids being beaten and worked like farm animals), to never again see their parents. There are countless, similar stories, but they are irrelevant. The only saving grace this country had is the truth that Europeans were even crueler and in other parts of the world, the kafir was treated even worse.

Incredibly, immigrants survived despite the bigotry of many of this country’s citizens. Now, pay attention lefties and stop touching yourselves. Your as racist and bigoted as any on the left. We’ll get to your sorry and miserable asses later. As for the Hispanics reading this, stick around- you too, are in need of a reality check.

Here’s the deal- Hispanic immigrants aren’t going to ruin America. You know why? Because they come here as ‘wretched refuse.’ They have no other place to go. They see the buffet and smorgasbord of possibilities and are willing to work for their share. They have crossed mountains and deserts because they have a dream- they are not broken. That has always been the American way.

Hat tip to Dympha.

One Feedback on "A Good Rant"


This is the sort of balderdash subscribed to by people who get their information from TV.

The ‘Ve is a nation of immigruntz’ cliches simply do not stand up to scrutiny.

Excerpt: ‘When the Irish Catholics came off the boat in New York, escaping from famine and certain death, high minded Americans beat the crap out of them because the freakin’ Catholic papist evil bastards were going to ruin the country.’

Citation? As a matter of fact, Irish Catholics were here pretty much from the time that Nieuw Amsterdam became New York. Its namesake, the Duke of York (later James II) was Catholic; so was his colonial governor, Lord Thomas Dongan. Anti-Catholicism when it erupted, and it did, was a reflection of political interests back home. This of course was in the 1680s, not the potato-famine 1840s of song and story and Martin Scorsese fantasia.

By the way, the ‘Know-Nothing’ hysteria of 1840s–typical of Philadelphia rather than New York–was fomented not by old-stock American Protestants but by first-generation Jews, e.g. one Lewis Levin, the founder of the ‘Know Nothing’ party and sometime congressman. (You could look it up!)

Moving right along: ‘When the Italians and the Jews got off the boat in New York, there were those who met them at the docks and met them with baseball bats…’ Again, citation? Which Italians and which Jews? I gather you are referring to the immigrant waves circa 1900. Who exactly was it who met them with baseball bats? The Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers? Solomon Guggenheim? Mother Cabrini? And the new Ellis Island arrivals were met with such cruelty, why did they stick around? They weren’t indentured servants, after all.

You, SCA, are not wielding facts, but vague impressions born of political sloganeering. There simply is no commonality between the colonists and immigrants of the past, and the illegal aliens of today.


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