30 Jul 2006

New Hampshire Would Be Nice (This Time of Year)

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The Free State Project proposes to enlist 20,000 persons of basically libertarian bent who will sign a pledge to move to New Hampshire within five years on the basis of the theory that this would constitute a sufficiently influential constituency to keep the Granite State free of sales taxes, income taxes, gun control, and other afflictions of statism as ever.

Personally, I like New Hampshire, but I tend to think it may require more than 20,000 additional votes to balance out the impact of all those flatlanders fleeing Taxachusetts, who arrive in New Hampshire and start looking for public services and facilities just like the ones they had back in Brookline.

There is also the consideration of the inability of such a movement to appeal to the decadents who have lived in California, or other sunbelt locations, too long, and who now believe that cold weather and snow represent intolerable hardships.

Hat tip to Mr. Ogre.

One Feedback on "New Hampshire Would Be Nice (This Time of Year)"


We don’t want 20K voters, we want 20K activists… and truth be told, we don’t even need 20K (a overestimate. Even 1000 activists would make a free state happen quickly. With a mere few hundreds right now, we are tapped the native sentiment of smaller local government already. New Hampshire has the most open government around… easy to get involved, and only take a few dedicated individuals to make a real difference. The major parties only have a few thousand activists… Here’s a taste of the things we’ve done in the last year.

As for the weather, we have plenty moving from California, including our current President. As he likes to put it… “they’ve invented these new fangled things called heaters, amazing things in winter, warm you right up.”


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