24 Feb 2007

Man Buys Farm in Portugal, Cuts Open Padlock on Barn, and Finds…

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The earliest American report seems to have been January 30 at The Manic Mechanic:

So, this man in Portugal buys a farm (as opposed to ‘buying the farm’, as it were). Apparently the property owner died and the farm was put up for sale. Pretty satisfied of his purchase he wanders about the property sizing up what might need attention. An old, unused barn that will probably need cleaning out was part of the deal. Upon making his way inside the barn he finds that, indeed, the place needs more than a little cleaning…

The story was originally linked from this Dutch site, which has since removed the link. The Dutch site led to a Norwegian Mazda owners site (Google-cached version) leading to the conclusion that the lucky buyer was Norwegian.

It is still unconfirmed, and an urban legend/hoax of some kind is suspected, but the story is he found 180 vintage cars.


I first came across the story at Maggie’s Farm.

One Feedback on "Man Buys Farm in Portugal, Cuts Open Padlock on Barn, and Finds…"

Ryan Thompson

I see a 300 Adenauer on the left, and that appears to be one in the center. too. Talk about hitting the god damned jackpot.


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