06 Jun 2007

British Ministry of Defence Bans Aircraft Nose Art


Model Michelle Marsh signing a ‘regulation’ silhouetted image of herself on a Harrier

The Daily Mail reports that the enforcers of Political Correctness are worried that the traditional pin up images might offend women and Muslims.

The risque images of women that have decorated warplanes since the First World War have been scrubbed out.

The Ministry of Defence has decreed they could offend the RAF’s female personnel.

Officials admitted they had no record of any complaints from the 5,400 women in the RAF.

But commanders are erring firmly on the side of caution and “nose art“, as it is known, has been consigned to the history books. …

The decision to ban the images followed a visit by glamour models to southern Afghanistan before Christmas. During the trip they signed paintings of themselves on RAF aircraft.

Commanders decided the images were sexist and insisted there was no place for them in the modern armed forces.

There was also concern that they could cause offence in a muslim country where until 2001 all women were forced to wear the head-to-toe burkha in public.

Can you picture the RAF during WWII banning cartoon images on planes because they might offend the German or the Japanese?

3 Feedbacks on "British Ministry of Defence Bans Aircraft Nose Art"


Somewhere along the line or government became way to nit-picky. we worry way too much about what other countries think of us and who we might offend!
If you ask me, they should be able to decorate their aircraft however they damned well please!!!


No real surprise, the Brits have always been conservative when it came to adorning their aircraft with “non-regulation” personal decoration. All the way back in the beginning…the Great War…British pilots were strictly limited on personal decoration and markings. They called the German Jastas “flying circuses” in derision and maybe a little secret envy because there seemed to be no limit on personal markings. The pin-up thing really is a WWII American phenomenon. Too bad, it seemed like there was a resurgence after Persian Gulf I in nose-art. I think the lady pilots should get a chance to decorate their aircraft in the same vane. Beef-cake along with cheesecake…what the hell.

Glenn Geise

What nonsense, perhaps they should spend less time worrying about offending someone and more time getting rid of terrorists.


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