At American Thinker, James Lewis has an essay on the fundamental similarity of all those noxious and irrational revolutionary ideologies spawned in the 19th century by representatives of the new class of cafe intellectual bohemians, what Russell Kirk liked to refer to as “spoiled priests.”
Everything must be different!” or “Alles muss anders sein!” was a slogan of the Nazi Party. It is also the heart’s desire of every Leftist since Karl Marx. Nazism was a deeply revolutionary creed, a fact that is always denied by the Left; but it’s true.
Read the whole thing.
Dominique R. Poirier
This is a very, very, very good paper on the topic. James Lewis just understands it all; and he has the bright mind and the educational basis to understand it.
I have never seen and never heard any Americans describing things that way, and I have to confess that I often wondered whether they could understand it since their correct understanding claims some prior knowledge in certain specialized fields and long explanations requiring the patience and trust of one interlocutor.
However, James Lewis should be wary not to yield to opposite extremism and to project his own perceptions of things onto others. Her lies a great danger to which some succumb sometimes and when this happens it does barely more than to serves the opposition’s interest.
My personal observation I would like to add to this is that I am concerned and surprised by the eagerness of the populace to adopt the most absurd ideas, opinions and fashions. Why so many people tattoo their skin, for life, with silly things that will be considered as “has-been†and as the expression of intellectual mediocrity within a handful of years to come is still a source of astonishment for me, as an example. If so many people can be that retarded I believe that we have to feel concerned with the spread of silly “political†ideas; especially when they are silly.
At a time when it is intellectually fashionable to assume that the age of ideology is over, anti-globalization—fusing Marxist economic determinism with Christian humanitarianism with ecological anxieties, fuelled by resentment of global inequality, injustice, and by sheer envy (thank you for your outstanding contribution, Paris Hilton)—has the potential to evolve into a coherent and globally appealing anti-American doctrine.
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