25 Aug 2007

Kyrgyzstan Hunting Festival

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Taigan chases wolf at festival

The event was near the village of Bokonbayevo, some 186 miles east of the capital Bishkek, August 24, 2007. More then 20 hunters with dogs and eagles took part. The slideshow illustrates exhibitions of hunting with Taigans and Golden Eagles using domesticated wolves as the quarry. The Salburun (hunting) festival has been held annually since 1997.

Hat tip to Dr. Milton Ong.

9 Feedbacks on "Kyrgyzstan Hunting Festival"

Steve Bodio

I m thinking of posting on this at greater length on my own blog, though it is sure to stir up a rage!

Nobody “gets” what is happening here. In Russia and Kazakhstan (and probably Kirgyzstan) hunting dogs are tested far more rigorously than here. Taigans must stand up to wolves, laikas to bears, dachshunds to badgers, etc. The test animals are not killed and are rarely even injured– the smarter ones learn to make a lot of sound and fury and do little more. Sort of a benign and often bloodless “baiting”.

But of course Europeans– I know this of Germans– are demanding they stop and alleging that they are killing tethered wolves etc.

I’ll email you a photo or two.


I am interested in learning more about these dogs. I heard that there are training centers near Issyk Kuhl. Do you know whom I could contact for more information? My interest is purely academic.


This show of brutality for ‘sport’ kind of worries me. We shouldn’t make animals fight for our enjoyment. :/


This is just.. discusting. How can people do this for ‘sport’?! They’re living animals, not freakin’ chew toys!!! How damn cruel!

grow a set

just grow a set


This isnt a sport, its animal crulty! If you were to fight dogs it would be illegal but if you set a group of dogs on a wolf that has been tied to a post and unable to fight back its called a sport! Just proves how crule humans are!!!


Why not use people instead of wolves, ha ha ha. I’m Serious.


honestly? use people go out there and be the sport see how you like it.. if its not abuse then who cares if you get hurt? and besides i’m sure it would be just as entertaining. let the wolves have some fun

Pyper McCoard

How fucking cruel can people get? This makes me sick! I now hate people!


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