06 Sep 2007

Latest Attempted Gun Grab

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Gun Owners of America reports that Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) have introduced a “Veterans Disarmament Bill,” which would expand the tactics used by the 1993 Brady Bill to disqualify Americans from gun ownership.

As many as a quarter to a third of returning Iraq veterans could be prohibited from owning firearms — based solely on a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder; Your ailing grandfather could have his entire gun collection seized, based only on a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s (and there goes the family inheritance); Your kid could be permanently banned from owning a gun, based on a diagnosis under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

One Feedback on "Latest Attempted Gun Grab"


These Socialist Democrats are going to ruin the Republic. Why are we voting these jackasses into office & keep putting them back? The only candidate worth his salt is Ron Paul. Please don’t vote Democrat if you value your right to keep & bear Arms. Put in Ron Paul in 2008!


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