In case you missed it, here’s Hillary’s 3:00 AM telephone commercial.
0:30 video
Obama’s less-than-devastating response.
0:31 video
OK, we now know Obama is ready: ready to disarm, ready to withdraw, ready to surrender, even at 3:00 AM.
And what exactly was the experience Hillary had as First Lady that qualifies her?
Hotline On Call (including sound):
Slate’s John Dickerson asked the obvious question:
“What foreign policy moment would you point to in Hillary’s career where she’s been tested by crisis?” he said.
Silence on the call. You could’ve knit a sweater in the time it took the usually verbose team of Mark Penn, Howard Wolfson and Lee Feinstein, Clinton’s national security director, to find a cogent answer. And what they came up with was weak — that she’s been endorsed by many high ranking members of the uniformed military.
2008 Election - 2008 Election » Hillary’s McCain Commercial
[…] McCain Commercial Political Kudzu wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptOK, we now know Obama is ready: ready […]
Dominique R. Poirier
The first video is a good one, I believe.
The second makes the two suggesting something childish – like a battle in a sandbox.
Hell… What next!
I’m eager to see whether they are going back to address to voters again…
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