07 Apr 2008

Managing the Planet

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Jon Caruthers, at American Thinker, identifies the left’s Climate Management agenda as simply a more ambitious version of earlier human attempts at managing Nature on a smaller-scale, as in Yellowstone Park, for example, described at length in Alston Chase’s Playing God in Yellowstone: The Destruction of America’s First National Park.

The conceit that scientists and bureaucrats can use the power the state to manage nature has lead to disaster in the past, and will again if the global warmists keep getting their way.

When Yellowstone National Park was first created, park officials believed they had to “save” the native fauna as well as protect the visitors by killing off the native wolf population. This they did in grand form. Additionally, they noticed the yearly occurrences of wildfires which, according to the then “modern” and “progressive” thought of the day, should be stamped out at all cost.

The net result of these notions was that 110 years or so later half the park burned down. It turns out that without the wolves the ruminants ran wild and ate up the deciduous trees, leaving only the pine trees to go forth and multiply. Anyone who’s started a campfire knows what happens when you compound this with 110 years of pine needles and flotsam and jetsam — you end up with the perfect firestorm. This is nothing natural. This situation was created by us — by human intervention into a formerly pristine ecosystem that was supposedly “managed” by the federal government – and the result was that half the park burned down.

Once again, on the issue of “global warming” we’re faced with government control — in this case not of the national park system, but of the entire globe. The “progressives” and their “grand thoughts” of the age seek to “manage” the globe in the same “modern” way our ancestors “managed” Yellowstone. Like our ancestors of yore, today’s environmentalists believe the government can control the environment better than Mother Nature can. Are we to suppose that the people who give us the DMV and the IRS are going to “manage” the globe in the same efficient and benevolent manner? In the grand scheme of things are we supposed to believe that we humans are actually better than Mother Nature at “managing” the global environment? For some reason, the enviro-nazis of the age seem to believe that Mother Nature is some kind of octogenarian Alzheimer’s patient and they’re the designated colostomy bag.

Read the whole thing.

4 Feedbacks on "Managing the Planet"

Global Warming » Managing the Planet

[…] UNCoRRELATED wrote an interesting post today on Managing the PlanetHere’s a quick excerpt…can use the power the state to manage nature has lead to disaster in the past, and will again if the global warmists keep getting their way. […]

Irs » Managing the Planet

[…] mediabistro.com: FishbowlDC wrote an interesting post today on Managing the PlanetHere’s a quick excerptAre we to suppose that the people who give us the DMV and the IRS are going to “manage” the globe in the same efficient and benevolent… […]

James R. Ament

The same people who brought us the ethanol fiasco, who are just now admitting to the terrible mistake, want us to believe they have the answers on how to fix the entire climate? I don’t think so.

Liberty Peak Lodge

Blog of the Day…

We being a new blog, it is with heightened appreciation of the work involved in blogging that we Hat Tip a great blog! Today that would be Long War Journal. Excellent! Go pay ’em a visit, and tell ’em Cicero…


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