Dick Polman reports that Obama last night didn’t only lose, he was shaken, rattled, and rolled.
Just how bad was Barack Obama’s debate performance last night? Not as bad as Britney Spears’ song-and-dance routine at the MTV Awards. Not as bad as Bill Buckner’s legendary error during the ’86 World Series. Not as bad as Bob Dylan’s music during his God phase. Not as bad as John Travolta’s Scientology cinema experiment in Battlefield Earth. Not as bad as Mike Dukakis’ fateful ride in a military tank.
In other words, Obama could have done worse. Neverthless, if he still harbors any hopes of driving Hillary Clinton from the Democratic race by scoring an upset victory in Pennsylvania, he might be wise to get real.
Read the whole thing.
And having gotten his nose bloodied by that mean little girl from down the block, poor little Barry Obama is refusing to come out and debate with her any more.
Obama: Let’s campaign, not have more debates
Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday suggested he doesn’t see any point in having another debate with Democratic rival Sen. Hillary Clinton.
Wednesday’s debate on ABC may be the final face-off between Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Clinton has agreed to a debate next week, but Obama has not yet accepted the invitation.
At an appearance in Raleigh, North Carolina, Obama said he has a lot of campaigning to do in a limited amount of time.
And he is whining about last night, and in public, too.
Democratic Sen. Barack Obama dismissively talked about his debate with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and the line of questioning from ABC News’ moderators, arguing that it focused on political trivia at the expense of the problems facing average voters. …
In criticism of his rival, he called the debate “the rollout of the Republican campaign against me in November” and said it represented textbook Washington politics that Clinton was very comfortable playing.
“They like stirring up controversy and they like playing gotcha games, getting us to attack each other,” he said. “Senator Clinton looked in her element. She was taking every opportunity to get a dig in there. That’s her right to kind of twist the knife a little bit … that’s the lesson she learned when Republicans did it to her in the 1990s.”
The Obama campaign also sought to capitalize on the debate, sending out a fundraising appeal titled, “Gotcha,” and soliciting $25 donations.
“Last night I think we set a new record because it took us 45 minutes before we even started talking about a single issue that matters to the American people,” Obama told the North Carolina crowd. “Forty-five minutes before we heard about health care, 45 minutes before we heard about Iraq, 45 minutes before we heard about jobs, 45 minutes before we heard about gas prices.”

Adam Ross Solomon
As a campus conservative and lifelong Mets fan, it pleases me to no end that Barack Obama is compared to Bill Buckner.
sick of obama
obama’s just a little wimp whose been protected by his parents (the msm) but now he goes to school and discovers that he can’t just say i’m the great obama and have the whole world fall at his feet. so he cries and whines and says it’s not fair. too bad, so sad. get over it, child.
George Stephanopolous, It was very good, better now than later but Obama did not answer the question about the American pin. Next time do not let him waste time explainning how his mother was a teenager when she gave birth or that he came from a broken family, that was not the question and has nothing to do with the question, Maybe he feels he does not deserve to wear it and it makes him feel like a hypocrite when his friends see him wear it. I know he wore it when he met with the veterans, probably his neck , I mean his wife told him to wear it. He is the one that waste all that time only to complain later that it took 45 minutes to get to the important things, he should be told that all this is more important to get it out in the open. Obama is not honest and has no credibility. Obama is a muslim also his Rev. Its the principle, and I refuse to vote for a person that all his friends and associates are either terrorists or people on the way to prison. He also went to school in Islam. Thank you for your time.
Why is it so hard to understand why Obama will not wear the Flag Pin??? For Muslims it is against their fundamental religious belief to wear or acknowlege any type of image or symbolic icon. Not even a picture of Mohamad. That is why he will not wear one, PURE AND SIMPLE.
Scott D
A sober reminder, though. Last night on Leno, Jay asked the audience, “How many of you saw last night’s debate?” Dead silence. “How many saw American Idol?” A roar of applause.
Hans K
Wow. Er, Obama is not muslim. The debate was the biggest disgrace ABC news has ever put forth across the airways. The anchors WERE playing gotcha on issues of irrelevance. We ought not be making mountains out of molehills regarding this minutia. Corkscrew landings, lapel pins, Rev Wright? COME ON!
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